Why Gen Z Isn’t Lazy – And How to Hire and Retain Them Effectively

It’s happening again. And it feels like déjà vu I remember back in 2008 being a senior analyst for a multi-billion dollar company and getting asked how we help attract and retain a Millennial workforce – because frankly, nobody could figure them out.  I was indeed a Millennial myself, so the prevailing thought must have…

What Multi-Generational Teams Really Need

Ah, the modern workplace—a delightful melting pot of Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, Gen Zers, and whatever letter comes next.  Most business articles and expert panels seem obsessed with explaining how different we all are. We’re told Boomers want stability, Gen X want simply to be noticed, Millennials want work-life balance, and Gen Z craves…

Hiring Gen Z

Hiring and Engaging a Gen Z Workforce: The Do’s and Don’ts

Hiring has always been a top priority for any organization, and today’s work environment is no different.  What has started to change more recently, though, is the type of workforce available and the expectations they bring into the workplace.  More bluntly stated, Gen Z is the newest generation to enter the workforce and how you…

Test of 3 - Matt Havens

The Test of Three

It’s not an outrageous statement to say we’ve become polarized.  Whether it’s driven by a 24-hour television cycle, social media, or your next door neighbor’s conspiracy theories, there’s a lot of “either/or” going on. You’re either Republican or Democrat. You’re either too young to understand or too old to know better. You’re either right, or…