Whether it's generational issues or leadership, Matt Havens will uncomplicate the complex and leave your audience laughing hysterically at how simple business solutions can be. His keynotes, "Stop Acting Your Age! An Entertaining Keynote to Help You Avoid Generational Warfare" and "You’re Not an Acronym – A Practical Approach To Leadership” have quickly become a must-have for any event where audiences want to learn something new while laughing at the same time. You’ll soon learn why one of Matt’s clients has called him “both the funniest and most informative speaker I have ever heard in my life.”

Episode 01 :: The Importance of Community

In what appears to be an increasingly larger and divided world, COMMUNITY has never been more important.  But why?  In the first episode of the Human Way, Matt dives into how community impacts all human behavior and why we need to assess our own personal community for insight.  Oh, and you’ll learn why T-Pain turned…

How does cancel culture affect your business

What Does Cancel Culture Mean for your Business

Thankfully, I’m not a celebrity.  I know the money and fame sound tempting, but becoming a celebrity brings with it a host of negative consequences most of us wouldn’t want to deal with consistently (see:  paparazzi).  And I won’t even get started on what it takes to get in shape to play an Avenger superhero. …

how to embrace failure

Now is the Time to Embrace Failure

We’re living in some pretty wild times. The current coronavirus pandemic has closed businesses and schools, pushed widespread work-from-home solutions, and in many cases, forced millions out of jobs – hopefully for just a shortened time period. While it’s easy to let the magnitude of the situation become overwhelming, we have a choice in how…